Monday, 27 April 2015

self knowing

I named M.fitriyadi Saputra nickname Son, but whoever started calling anyone Fitri, sounds like the name prempuan and indeed the name of women in general, I was born in a quiet village in the interior of the province of South Kalimantan, precisely in the village Lampihong districts Lampihong Balangan, on 03 March 1995. I am the first of two children born to parents tremendous Syaberan name of my father and my mother's name Herlenawati, these two people who had outstanding services for my life because without them lah I am not going to stand like this and I do not even exist in this world.

At 6 years old I started to pursue my life's journey, especially in the field of education at that age I entered kindergarten pertiwi in New Kab.Kota, then after the completion of basic education on societal orientation or basic sociological study of friendship and playing together. After all that I continue to thank God SDN Dirgahayu 2 SD ranks third time great, as long as there is nothing in SD a major influence on my life, but something began to change after I chose to go to MTs (MTs) Model Darussalam Martapura, there I got a lot of feedback about religion and so on. After 3 years in junior then I went to boarding school at the Khalidiyah Rashidiyeh Amuntai, there I learned a lot about what it's like to live far from their parents, relatives, and others. There I also learned about the organization because the second grade I was given the confidence to become chairman of the Pensions notabenenya supervises the students in the dorm. There is an inflection point in my life.

After completion educated at the cottage, confusion arises to go to college what, and where. At that time I visited various campuses of the path of Islam-based medicine scholarships to get to the majors nurse and all that failed I entered, until finally I enroll in college in my area. But my parents enroll at IPDN menghanjurkan tuk tuk little hope of entering into this Institute because in view of IPDN merupakn place of learning people who really rich and has a high position in an area. It is precisely to shrink my wishes because it would not be a burden to my parents who worked as a teacher in junior high. However, because of the encouragement and support of parents was fixed I stepped to enroll in IPDN.

At the time of selection of IPDN I've been studying for 3 months in the campus area, step by step I went through until finally the announcement of incoming pantukhir, that's when I first made my parents crying, crying happy to see his son enter the selection pantukhir. Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah blessing blessings that have been given him my strengthen our shared approximately 2000 people who successfully passed the selection set aside tens of thousands of applicants in IPDN.

Education begins, step by step has been undertaken of Capra, to Young, and now in the stage of Madya Praja, and I included from most civil to have the opportunity educated in regional spread across 7 provinces across the archipelago. And IPDN campus of West Kalimantan that was the place I proceed to the next stage Nindya Praja

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